Florist to Florist
The bouquet department is the responsibility of Alexandra Vrielink. In this department we only employ experienced and well trained personnel.
Their knowledge and passion for their work can clearly be seen in the handmade bouquets, put together with passion and care. Our staff go a step further and devote themselves to their clients. They use their skills to produce a beautiful bouquet to their exact wishes.
All our employees are more than qualified in their field, which is an absolute must in order to produce and deliver real quality products. The team is so well put together, that interior florists of reputable hotels, do their traineeship at Barendsen. Experience shows that florists order bouquets when they are busy with other tasks so that they have more time on their hands. The concept 'Florist to Florist' was specially developed for this purpose.
Ordering bouquets
- It is possible to order made to measure bouquets.
- We send bouquets in water in order to guarantee the quality.
- The packaging is neutral, so that the bouquet can be delivered into the desired style by the florist, or packed in their own covers.
- We only want to send fresh bouquets, and therefore it is not possible to put in last minute orders.
- The minimum order possible is from 5 bouquets.
Under the heading ’Florist to Florist’ we offer a bouquet of the month, filled with seasonal products for a colourful price. Look for photos of these wonderful bouquets on our Gallery on Facebook or Pinterest.
Ask your sales contact about the possibilities.
On YouTube you can see a film about Florist to Florist.