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Barendsen GB


Frankfurt, June 2018

Barendsen was simply everywhere; in the Galleria with presentations with Roses, Dahlia and Allium, and in the Outdoor Living area with wonderful plants and trees from RM Plants.


Bilzen, September 2018

For flower lovers this is a definite must-see event! At the extraordinarily beautiful site of the Alden-Biesen castle in Belgium you will be able to immerse yourself in a fabulous flower fairytale land! The most beautiful flower creations are all over the site, created by a large number of international flower arrangers. Barendsen was one of the sponsors and we were very proud to see how the arrangers put our flowers to good use!

IPM 2019

Essen, January 2019

This year, again as a partner in the Bloom’s area, Barendsen joined forces with Rosebrandt and Florapodium. The Bloom’s crew created a beautiful presentation!

Happen en Trappen

Haarlem, September 2018

The Barendsen staff had a wonderful day together relaxing and enjoying the sun and our favorite Dutch activity; riding bicycles! With ‘Happen en Trappen’, which means ‘Eating and Cycling’, the group cycled from place to place, enjoying a drink and a bite at every stop. At the end of the day a full menu had been eaten, and beautiful and unknown parts of the country (at least for some) had been visited while passing by. A great way to spend your day!

Christmasworld / Floradecora

Frankfurt, January 2019

For the fourth time Barendsen was present at the Christmas World in Frankfurt and it was so much fun  meeting so many old and new friends! Our stand was larger than ever, and we shared our space with Brosi (who was responsible for all the furniture and most of the decorations), with De Ruiter (with their product ‘Meet my Roses’ range), Yourlily, and the Lysianthus Group. We tried to create a Christmas atmosphere with fresh flowers and plants which is not hard at all! We used fresh flowers to decorate the Christmas trees and it was a big hit! We hope everyone will follow our example next Christmas!


